DEMO Festival is free and takes place on the 30th of January on 250+ screens in the Netherlands and abroad. In some places, you need a ticket to access the location and see the screens.
To access the train stations in the Netherlands, an OV chipcard is required. You can buy this OV chipcard at every station. If you check in at the gates and out again within 1 hour. Nothing is charged on your card.
The main motion programme of DEMO Festival is on show on the 9:16 screens in the train stations on Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Eindhoven and Tilburg in the Netherlands. The special screens are located in the public space in Antwerp, Brussels, Madrid, Barcelona, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Vancouver and Los Angeles. See the locations page for the addresses.
DEMO takes place on January 30th from 06:00 until January 31th 00:00 CET.
Go to the designers page and click on the name. It will direct you to its detail page showing the times in which the work will be shown.
On the bottom, on top of the work, an animated credit will appear halfway through the motion work.
Please check in at least 10 minutes in advance at the DEMO info point at Amsterdam Central Station. The stand is located in the arrivals hall (Cuypershall) on the city center side of the station.
Let the DEMO Crew know you’re there, and they will guide you to the right room.
You can find the location of the DEMO info point on the bottom of the locations page.
Yes. Limited space is available and entrance is with ticket only. Check out the Talks page to book your free ticket.
Yes, you can book a guided tour at Amsterdam Central Station. The tours are free. Check out the Talks /Tours page to book a ticket. Please note there are limited spots available per tour. All tours are in English.
DEMO will capture the spirit of the overall day and events in photos and an aftermovie. Next to this we will photograph as many motion pieces on the portrait screens and some special screens. This documentation will be shared with the designers and press.